TEAM: Morinda Dixon, Mariana Messias Campos, Elvis Collie, Brayden Stairmand
Insight: People care more about how they make money than how they protect it.
Idea: Bring payment security front of mind and show first-hand how secure mastercard really is by putting $5M on the line.
Execution: Mastercard LOTTO - We’ll show people how much work goes into keeping their finances safe by gamifying tokenisation - One of Mastercard’s many security features. A giant billboard will be displayed in martin place to draw attention with a link to the website. People will have the opportunity to guess the numbers of the card and win $5 million. However, like tokenisation the numbers don't always stay the same... While technically possible, like a carnival game it will feel impossible and deliver messaging that the security features within the game are there to protect mastercard users around the clock. Therefore making payments with your mastercard the easiest way to keep payments safe.